This course will conquer these issues:
- Your band's energy in the live show is amazing, but the album you recorded kinda sucks.
- The only way you know to record is by recording musicians one at a time.
- Your band only has two days to record 10 songs. You need a way to work faster.
Most think that recording live will end up sounding like a cheap, garage recording. But what if I could teach you how to make a recording that sounds just as good as any studio recording that you've ever done, but has more energy and life? Would you want to try? I believe that most of the best recordings ever made were done live. I would like to teach you how.

Why is it so challenging?
Bleed between elements can make it very difficult to mix a live recording. Some bleed sounds great and adds character and excitement. This bleed is a part of what makes the recording so unique. Other types of bleed can destroy the recording. You have to know the difference between the two and fix it when you record. You also need to know when something is impossible to pull off, such as recording an acoustic guitar next to a drum set. If you understood the limitations of live recordings, and how to properly structure the record sessions, you will have more success.
What you will learn in this course:
- Learn how to easily record high-quality recordings with really loud guitar amps (And a huge bass amp) all in the same room with the drums.
- The bleed problems that you have had can be controlled. In fact, I can teach you can have precise control over how much bleed you record in your tracks, so that you can decide how "Live" you want the recording to be.
- Learn different approaches to live recording and room arrangements
- Learn how to record live for any genre of music
- Learn which instruments work well together in the same room, and which ones you must track in another room, or overdub.

What is Needed?
- 8 Microphones, and an interface that you can plug in all 8 mics and record. (Examples are UA Apollo 8p, PreSonus FP10, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820)
- OR 5 microphones plus 3 DI boxes. At least one of the DI boxes must be passive, or you need a re-amp box.
- Optional: 1 Re-amp box, or passive DI box with a through jack (Most techniques use live microphones [No re-amp box needed], but I mention re-amping a lot in the course)
- 12 Microphones, preamps, and digital inputs so you can record all 12 mics.
- Re-amp box of any kind
- 3 DI Boxes, each with a "Thru" jack, or "Parallel IN/OUT". (Examples are Whirlwind IMP 2, Radial Pro DI, Art ZDirect, Countryman Type 85)

What Kind of Gear will Be Used in the Course?
- The course uses microphones that are all $700 and below.
- I have a 12 channel snake, 12 pre amps, and enough digitial inputs (MOTU 24io) to record them all at once.
- Everything I do here at my studio can be done in your studio too.
What is in the course?
- 12 core lessons
- Total video time of the 12 core lessons is 1 hours and 40 minutes
- 1 bonus lesson: "How to Record with 8 Channels"
- 2 bonus units (23 bonus lessons and hours of bonus video)
- Text articles
- Listening examples
- Direct email support from me with custom step-by-step instructions
- Immediate access to all the course materials
- Video downloads of core lessons are available
Core Lessons:
Unit 1
- Lesson 1: The Benefits to Live Recording (9:46)
- Lesson 2: What Kind of Room Do You Need (3:52)
- Lesson 3: What Does Not Work (8:41)
- Lesson 4: How to Plan (12:38)
- Lesson 5: Two Examples of How to Allocate Mics (13:02)
Unit 2
- Lesson 1: Studio Back Wall (9:58)
- Lesson 2: Controlling Drum Bleed with Mic Angle (4:02)
- Lesson 3: How to Set Amp Volume (8:12)
- Lesson 4: Studio Star Pattern (10:23)
- Lesson 5: Source Isolation - Players in the Room (6:18)
- Lesson 6: Multiple Rooms - Player and Source Isolation (4:50)
- Lesson 7: Recording Live with Re-amping (8:53)
You can Download the Course Videos!
- You are welcome to download the course and watch it offline (1GB), or use the standard Vimeo player on the webpage.
Bonus Download: Tracks from the live demo session
- Practice mixing
- Hear the tracks and exactly the results I achieve
Bonus Lesson: Recording Live with 8 Channels
- How to set up your recording session if you have 8 channels.
- How to record drums, two guitars, bass, and vocal
- How to record only using 5 microphones, by using DI Boxes and reamping
Bonus Unit: Acoustic Treatment
- The Room is Apart of the Sound (6:07)
- What Makes a Great Recording Room? (5:57)
- Ceiling Treatment (6:57)
- First Reflections (5:25)
- Second Reflections (2:12)
- Bass Traps - How Important are They? (5:05)
- Do You Have to Treat Both Surfaces? (3:12)
- Diffusion (5:32)
- Intro to Control Room Treatment (6:53)
- A Closer Look at my Standard Sound Panel (6:49)
- How to Make Absorption Panels More Effective (2:42)
Bonus Unit: Engineering Foundations
- How to Develop Your Ears (8:09)
- Why Do People Want to Record with YOU? (4:29)
- It Is Never About the Gear (8:28)
- Understand What Happens to Pitches at High Volume (5:26)
- Being Unique in Your Field (4:23)
- Are Headphones Good to Mix With? (4:23)
- How to Know When Your Ears are Being Tricked (4:14)
- The Middle-Frequency Range is King (7:01)
- Using Reference Mixes (7:12)
- Low Volume = Good Recordings (3:52)
- Cool Trick for Knowing if the Vocals are Too Loud (4:11)
Bonus - Step-by-step email support directly from me (Ryan)
- Something sound a little off and you can't figure out why?
- Just email me a short audio file, and I'll give you a custom step-by-step process on how to improve.
- You get immediate access to all the videos. Total video time is 3 Hours, 1 Minute. (03:01:00)
- You never expire or go out of date. You have this course for life.
- Download the core lessons
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- I want you to be completely happy with the course and coaching. If you are not happy for any reason, just email me within the first 30 days from your purchase and I'll refund 100% of the purchase price for this course.
- No risk. The only thing you risk is not getting the course, and allowing unsure microphone technique to hold you back the sound of your singer-songwriter recordings.
Price shown is in USD (United States Dollars)